Category: Coffee Q&A

Coffee Q&A

Could Coffee be an Alternative to Adderall?

Coffee is a popular drink that many people consume daily to help them wake up and feel more alert. Recently, some individuals have suggested that coffee could be a natural alternative to prescription medications like Adderall, which is often used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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Coffee Brands & Makers
Sonny Bee

What is Auto Drip Coffee?

Many choose the auto-drip coffee maker over instant or ground coffee. Auto drip coffee makers can easily clean and brew a whole pot of coffee at once.

However, just because it brews fast doesn’t mean it brews good coffee! Here’s where I’m going to save you some money.

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Latte Vs. Breve Illustration
Coffee Q&A
Nicola R.

What’s the Difference Between Breve vs Latte?

When it comes to coffee, many people like to live in their comfort zone. A smooth latte or breve is luxurious enough – why think outside of the bag?

But venturing out into uncharted territory can be pretty fun.

There are plenty of chances to shake things up when it comes to coffee shop drinks. today let’s talk about two delicious drinks: the breve and latte.

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Coffee Q&A
Ellie L.

Long Black vs. Americano (2022 Full Comparison)

You are at a trendy café in the city and order a cup of quality coffee. Which do you get? The long black or the Americano?

Don’t worry, we’ll explore each option so you can browse further and make an informed decision.

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Coffee Q&A
Sonny Bee

Can You Drink Expired Coffee?

Did you see your packet of coffee beans sitting on the counter for quite some time and wondered if they are expired or not? That’s one question that you must never have thought about until that moment. Well, does coffee have a shelf life? Find out the details here, in this article, about the expiry dates of coffee and whether or not you can still drink it.

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Coffee Q&A
Nicola R.

Why Use Enamel Mugs? 11 Incredible Reasons

Enamel mugs are highly durable, but what else makes them so unique?

Enamel mugs don’t get chipped like other cups, they won’t rust, and the enamel coating means you can microwave them to keep your drinks warm for longer!

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Coffee Brands & Makers
Ellie L.

How to Reset And Program Nespresso Machines

Most of the time, a Nespresso machine is already set up for the different amounts of coffee it can make.

The Nespresso Original Line, for example, is set to make 1.35 oz. of espresso and 5 oz. of lungo. The ristretto size of the Nespresso Prodigio is already set to 0.5oz.

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Coffee Q&A

How Long Does Espresso Last in Your System?

If you love your morning cup of coffee, but want to know what the effects are on your body, then you’re going to want to know how long does espresso last in your system.

While there are quite a few variables that can affect how long it takes for your body to process caffeine, here’s what you should know about how long espresso lasts in your system: The average person metabolizes one cup of coffee within five hours — but it varies based on factors like age and weight.

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coffee types
Coffee Q&A
Ellie L.

explain coffee drinks

What is Latte? What is Affogato? What is Irish Cream? What is Doppio? What is Ristretto?
Different types of coffee drinks are explained in this post.

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Coffee Q&A
Sonny Bee

How Should Espresso Taste?

Coffee is the drink that keeps me going, keeping my mind fresh and alert.

There is something about a beautifully brewed espresso that gives you that extra boost to start your day.

But if you stop to think about it – what should an espresso taste like? And what should its color be?

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Coffee Q&A
Tammy L.

Does Chai Latte Have Coffee?

Chai is a soothing, warming brew made from black tea and spices. It originated in India thousands of years ago and has been spread throughout the world during the last two centuries.

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Coffee Q&A

Can You Froth Almond Milk?

You may have seen that Starbucks has added almond milk to their menu and want to know why.

Or perhaps, you just want to know if you can froth your almond milk at home.

Either way, we’ve got the tips you need below.

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Coffee Q&A

Is a Latte Hot or Cold? (A Basic Guide)

Have you ever been in a situation where the barista at your favorite coffee shop asks whether you want your latte hot or cold? It’s an all-too-common occurrence that confuses many customers.

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Coffee Q&A

How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans Without Grinding

You’ve just gotten a new bag of whole bean coffee and can’t wait to devour a delicious, strong cup of the world’s finest Arabica beans. You double-take, however, when you see your coffee grinder is broken — or worse, you recall that you don’t own one. What can an espresso or coffee connoisseur do?

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Coffee Brands & Makers

Cortado vs Latte: Highlighting the Differences

Even though baristas have a hard time keeping up with the hundreds of milk and coffee beverages, it’s nearly impossible for them to keep up. Latte is still a popular drink. Cortados, on the other hand, are somewhat lesser known.

Cortado is not just a fancy name for a latte. Cortado is far more than that, so we’ll go deep to explain the distinctions between Cortado and Latte.

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Coffee Brands & Makers

Can You Use Ground Coffee in a Keurig?

Keurigs are popular, efficient coffee-making devices. There is a large selection of K-Cups to select from with the Keurig coffee maker. Nothing, however, compares to brewing your coffee with freshly ground beans.

Furthermore, using ground coffee in a Keurig would be another step toward reducing the environmental effect of single-use coffee pods.

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the Best Burr Coffee Grinder?
Coffee Brands & Makers
Ellie L.

5 Best Burr Coffee Grinders

 Grinding coffee at your home is an excellent way to bring out the best flavor of your beans. You have to choose the right grinder.

That’s where our blog comes in. We’ve researched the top-rated burr coffee grinders on the market and have written a helpful buying manual with everything you should know before purchasing a grinder.

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Coffee Q&A
Tammy L.

What is Toffee Nut? All You Need to Know

If you love all drinks that come with a toasty caramel flavor and a hint of hazelnut, you’re surely a toffee nut lover. The mix of roasted nuts and toffee gives a distinct flavor and you’ll find almost every coffee shop donning this flavor during the winters.

What makes this toffee nut flavor so great? Well, there’s so much you don’t know about this flavor and all the ways that you can use it for different drinks and foods. Want to know more? We’ve got all the details ready for you.

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Coffee Q&A
Tammy L.

What Are Java Chips Made Of?

When getting blended drinks, from the flavors to the toppings, you encounter countless options to choose from. Sometimes it can be challenging to decide the flavor, but that can be dealt with. However, choosing the topping that would go best with your drink is the real challenge.

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Coffee Q&A
Tammy L.

Does Coffee Stain Clothing Items?

Don’t you hate it when you drop something on your clothes, and the stubborn stain does not come out? Of course, this is even more heartbreaking when you wear the clothes for the first time. If you are a coffee lover, you might be wondering, does coffee stain clothing items?

If you wonder about this, you have come to the right place. Here is everything you must know.

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Pink Starbucks drink
Coffee Brands & Makers

What Are Refreshers At Starbucks? (+ Recipe Cheatsheet)

Starbucks refreshers don’t have any Caffeine. An arabica coffee bean that has not been roasted is used to make green coffee extract. This product is aimed at people who don’t like the taste of coffee but yet want a cold beverage with caffeine. Green coffee extract is a novel ingredient in Starbucks Refreshers beverages, giving them a natural energy boost and a thirst-quenching refreshment. This is a ground-breaking innovation.

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a photo of frappuccino-without-coffee
Coffee Brands & Makers
Nicola R.

Do Starbucks Frappuccino Have Caffeine?

When someone thinks of having coffee, Starbucks is one of the first places to come in mind. It’s the most renowned coffee spot where everyone loves to go and get their favorite drink from. Their most loved drink includes a frappuccino; however, what most people don’t know is that there are different varieties of Starbucks frappuccino. The main question that’s asked by a lot of people is how much caffeine does the drink contain. Here in this article, we’ve got the answer to your question about whether there is caffeine present in a frappuccino.

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Coffee Q&A
Ella Harrari

How to brew Yemen coffee?

It’s called Arabi coffee or Qishr. Yemeni people have been brewing their spiced coffee for centuries. If you are a bit adventurous with your cup of coffee, you can try this in your own kitchen!

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Coffee Brands & Makers
Ella Harrari

Is Yemen Arabica Mocha coffee the best in the world?

Did you know that Yemen was the first place in the whole world where people started brewing and drinking coffee? Up until the 18th century, Yemen was the only coffee supplier in the world! Exporting coffee beans through the ancient port of Al-Mocha . In Yemen today, traders and farmers aim for their Mocha coffee to be recognized once again for its exclusive quality.

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Is French Vanilla Sweet
Coffee Q&A

What Is French Vanilla Coffee? How To Make It at Home?

Did you know that every time you order a French vanilla beverage from Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s, Starbucks, or Tim Hortons, you’ll get a unique drink?

The coffee will taste, smell, and often be a different color as a result of the addition of milk.

If you want to know what distinguishes French vanilla from other coffees, keep reading.

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Coffee Brands & Makers
Nicola R.

What Starbucks Cup Sizes Literally Mean (Explained)

Starbucks offers so many different varieties of coffee that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Is a tall the smallest size possible?
And what exactly does ordering an extra large drink imply? Is a cold Starbucks beverage bigger than a heated one? What’s the difference between grande and venti, anyway?

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Coffee Q&A
Ellie L.

The low-cost process of creating a coffee shop logo

While hiring a design agency to create your coffee shop logo may be the best way to do it, Budget needs to be considered, and if you are looking for a low- cost or even a free way to create your coffee shop logo you are in the right place.

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Coffee Q&A
Nicola R.

Does Blonde Roast Have More Caffeine?

Coffee drinkers that have visited a cafe or shopped for coffee in a shop that has multiple varieties knows that there are different roasts of coffee. However, you may not know much about it, such as what characteristics make each roast different. For instance, blonde roast coffee has seen a surge in popularity, as the flavor is much different and it’s also believed to be stronger. 

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Coffee Q&A
Sonny Bee

which coffee roast is strongest

There isn’t much of a difference in caffeine concentration between lighter and darker roasts as measured by the cup. Dark roast coffee is roasted considerably longer than light roast coffee, as the name implies. Roasting coffee beans for this long causes them to change color and become greasy, indicating that they have been over-roasted or burnt.

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images of a moka-pot-& a Drip-Coffee
Coffee Brands & Makers
Sonny Bee

Moka Pot vs Drip Coffee

Start a Moka pot vs drip coffee fight, and you’ll have ongoing conflict over the winner. Both make hot coffee from hot water and ground coffee, and while the pots look different, coffee is coffee, right? No. Not all coffee is equal, not all coffee pots are equal, and not all coffee tastes the same. So, if you say one wins  – I say the other wins.

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images of a simple moka-pot-and a-Bialleti
Coffee Brands & Makers
Sonny Bee

Cheap Moka Pot vs Bialetti

Moka pot vs expensive espresso machine? My money is on the cheaper Moka pot. If it’s cheap Moka pot vs Bialetti, the odds narrow quite a bit. I’ve never been much of a name-brand person, but I know I get a better pair of slacks if they are Ralph Lauren rather than Walmart specials. In this contest, I’m putting my money on the Bialetti.

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Coffee Q&A
Sonny Bee

Can You Use Instant Coffee In A Moka Pot?

Instant coffee is preferred by those who don’t want to spend time brewing coffee, can’t brew coffee (like a hunter in a deer blind), or prefer its taste. However, a Moka (or Bialetti) pot brews an espresso-like drink with a fresh coffee grind. Can You Use Instant Coffee In A Moka Pot? I doubt anyone intended a Moka to make instant coffee.

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Illustration of the Coffee Bean Belt
Coffee Q&A
Ellie L.

The Coffee Bean Belt – Meaning & Importance

The Coffee Bean Belt is a horizontal region of the planet that stretches from the Tropic of Cancer across the Equator to the Tropic of Capricorn. The area covered is ideal for growing coffee cherries. Coffee beans come from the seeds of coffee cherries.

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Is French Vanilla Sweet
Coffee Q&A

Is French Vanilla Sweet?

Have you noticed that whenever you order a French vanilla from a coffee shop, you do not always receive the same drink from place to place?

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photo of Alcohol in Twisted Tea
Coffee Q&A

How Much Alcohol in Twisted Tea?

Well… I know it’s not about coffee, but you asked and I’m here to answer 🙂 For many people, there’s nothing better than a cold notalcoholic drink on a hot summer night, am I right? Well, maybe if that beverage were a Twisted Tea, then it might be a little bit better.

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Coffee Q&A

How Much Caffeine is in a Tablespoon of Ground Coffee?

When you are preparing your morning coffee, do you ever find yourself thinking about how much caffeine is in each tablespoon of ground coffee you’re adding to your French press or coffee maker?

I know I don’t—or at least I didn’t until I wanted to start cutting down my daily caffeine consumption.

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a photo of frappuccino-without-coffee
Coffee Q&A

Can you Order a Frappuccino Without Coffee?

Have you ever craved the sweetness of a Frappuccino but were hesitant to get one because of the coffee and caffeine that tend to accompany it?

If yes, then I may have a solution for you: The crème Frappuccino.

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a cup of cofffee
Coffee Brands & Makers

Why is my Keurig not Dispensing Water?

Imagine this: You’re getting ready for work in the morning, and you go to make your usual coffee in your Keurig coffee maker. However, when you press the button to begin brewing the coffee, all you hear is an unpleasant sputtering sound followed by a few measly drops of watered-down coffee.

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Image of a Starbucks Coffee
Coffee Q&A

What is an Upside-Down Caramel Macchiato?

We’ve all been in this situation: You’re standing behind someone at Starbucks or some other local coffee shop and you hear the person in front of you order an obscure drink with a long-winded name that you’ve never even heard of before.

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Froth Coffee Creamer
Coffee Q&A

Is it Possible to Froth Coffee Creamer?

It seems that everywhere you look nowadays, someone—or everyone—is sipping a cup of coffee whether it’s just a cup of straight black coffee, a creamy iced coffee, or a hot vanilla latte. In fact, you might be wondering if it’s possible for you to make that hot vanilla latte at home.

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image of moka-pot-vs-FRENCH-PRESS
Coffee Brands & Makers

Moka Pot Coffee Maker Or A French Press? Which Is Better?

For all those who like to enjoy a good coffee, and are attracted to the traditional extraction of this delicious infusion, we, the experts of, are going to make a comparison of these two methods. Which one makes the best coffee? Moka Coffee Maker or French Press?

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image of moka-pot vs Hario-V60
Coffee Brands & Makers

Moka Pot VS. Hario V60: The Battle For Coffee

There are so many coffee machines on the market these days, but luckily we at are experts in deciphering which ones are really good. And we have chosen to look at the Moka Pot and the Hario V60

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image of moka-pot vs Chemex coffee Makers
Coffee Brands & Makers

Moka Pot VS. Chemex: Which Should You Buy?

Moka Pot and the Chemex. They are both great choices, but for very different reasons. And because each one is very much worth considering if you wish to buy a coffee maker, we, at have decided to create a breakdown of what makes each of them so unique and amazing.

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Coffee Brands & Makers

Moka Pot VS. Siphon: Strong or Mellow?

Moka Pot and the Siphon Coffee Maker. Some people consider them to be the same, but true coffee connoisseurs know there is a significant difference between the two coffee makers. And we are here at wish to give you a clear definition as to what the differences are, and help you make the right choice between these two.

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moka pot vs aeropress
Coffee Brands & Makers

Moka Pot or Aeropress: Which Should You Buy?

You want to upgrade your morning coffee routine. But you want something a little nicer than another drip machine, something that’ll make you feel a little fancier, all while giving you a delicious cup of coffee.

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Coffee Q&A
Abi C.

Should You Buy and Grind Your Own Coffee Beans?

You wouldn’t turn down an artisan-barista-made coffee from the local coffeehouse, an authentic Japanese 6-hour long drip over ice, or an Italian cappuccino from the streets of Trieste, but what if you could create your own perfect blend every day with only a small affordable investment?

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Image of white&Brown sugar
Coffee Q&A
Nicola R.

Brown Sugar in Coffee

Brown sugar is one of the most popular coffee sweeteners. Compared to white sugar, it will give your coffee a richer, deeper, and more nuanced flavor.

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Coffee Q&A

How to Keep Coffee Beans Fresh

Maybe you are thinking about switching from pre-ground coffee to whole bean coffee, or you have already purchased some coffee beans. Whole bean coffee is worth the price if you store it properly, and we have all of the information you need right here.

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