Caramel Iced Coffee Starbucks Has Available (6 Types)

When it comes to an iced coffee at Starbucks, there are many additions you can make to improve the flavor of your drink. However, caramel has always been the favorite one of all time. Be it as a topping or the main base of the coffee, and it never disappoints you.

Caramel iced coffee Starbucks is one of the most widely ordered drinks. However, it isn’t just one flavor that you can order; various types of drinks are made using caramel. If you haven’t ever tried them, you’ve been living life wrong.

Is Caramel Iced Coffee Just A Single Flavor?

Many coffee lovers get confused when they enter a Starbucks outlet and think that caramel iced coffee is just a single flavor. However, caramel is offered as a topping and an add-on sauce that you add to your drink.

Any iced coffee that you add caramel to the base is turned into a caramel iced coffee. However, there are six types of flavors that you add caramel to, and you’ll love the flavor.

If you are bored with sipping the same coffee flavor, then this is something that you should try. Continue reading to learn about the six delicious flavors of caramel iced coffee.

Six Types of Caramel Iced Coffee at Starbucks

Caramel is a condiment that you can add to any of your favorite drinks for a change of taste. However, if you don’t like experimenting with your coffee, then there are six types of caramel iced coffee Starbucks has to offer. You can try them anytime at your nearest Starbucks outlet.

1. Iced Caramel Brule Latte

If you like your coffee sweet and smooth, this flavor has always been waiting for you. Finally, the iced caramel Brule latte is something that you have to try.

Made by two shots of espresso, four pumps of caramel sauce, and milk, the iced caramel Brule latte is all you need to get your day going. It is available mostly at every Starbucks outlet globally.

2. Iced Caramel Macchiato

A flavor to try best in the Grande cup size, the iced caramel macchiato does not need any introduction. You may have tried this flavor at other coffee shops, but at Starbucks, it just gets phenomenal.

Brought together by ice, vanilla syrup, milk, and two shots of espresso, the perfect finish comes in the end when it is topped with rich caramel sauce. However, the best would be to ask your barista to make it upside down. This way, the caramel flavor would settle in the bottom of the cup, offering a better, flavorful taste.

3. Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew

A flavor with a sweet and salty taste can confuse your taste buds, but that is something that you shouldn’t worry about. This drink perfectly combines salted caramel cold foam and vanilla syrup.

This gives a unique taste that your taste buds have always been waiting for. However, sometimes the salty caramel taste can be a little overpowering.

4. Caramel Frappuccino

Caramel Frappuccino is one of the most popular caramel iced coffee flavors that you will find. But at Starbucks, it is all about the quality of coffee and the experience of the barista that comes together to provide you with the perfect cup you were looking for.

This is a perfect flavor for someone who doesn’t want much caffeine. The combination of Starbucks frap roast, caramel syrup, milk, and whipped cream is heavenly. The best part is the caramel drizzle on top of the whipped cream.

5. Iced Shaken Espresso With Caramel Syrup

This is a new caramel iced coffee flavor you will see at Starbucks. It is a flavor-packed coffee that contains three espresso shots, a slight touch of milk, four pumps of signature caramel sauce, and ice. When these ingredients come together, you get a perfect cup of coffee.

6. Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino

If you love caramel, then you have to try this flavor. All the caramel is added in just this one flavor, and you will be amazed at its deliciousness. The frap roast with milk, ice, and caramel syrup is just the base of this.

However, the dark caramel syrup, caramel drizzle, and caramel sugar are added in the end, which creates a mind-blowing flavor for you.

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Abi C.

Abi C.

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