Starbucks Almond Milk Drinks You Need to Try

One of the best things about Starbucks is that they cater drink lovers of various requirements. There is nothing that you wouldn't find at the Starbucks outlet to add to your drink. Nowadays, many people are turning vegan, and to keep that in mind, Starbucks has started offering almond milk.

Starbucks almond drinks are perfect for vegans and lactose intolerant coffee lovers. However, that doesn’t mean that you must be vegan or lactose intolerant to try their Starbucks almond drinks.

It is one of the healthiest choices of plant-based milk that you can try. In this guide, we have discussed how one should try Starbucks almond milk drinks.

Why Go For Almond Milk At Starbucks?

Almond milk has remarkable health benefits and is something you should try at Starbucks. You may have tried normal dairy milk, but Starbucks almond milk drinks are just too delicious.

Here is a list of reasons why you should for a Starbucks almond milk drink.

  • Almond milk is lactose-free, perfect for drinks lovers who are lactose intolerant.
  • Low in calories, thus healthier than regular dairy milk
  • Compared to other plant-based milk, almond milk is very low in sugar content
  • Perfect for hot and iced drinks
  • Starbucks almond milk offers a creamy texture that boosts the flavor

You can ask the barista to use almond milk rather than regular dairy in your drink. However, there are the best Starbucks almond milk drinks that you should try. Starbucks introduced these flavors, especially in almond milk, to offer you a perfect, healthy cup of drink.

Top Starbucks Almond Milk Drinks

Here are the top Starbucks almond milk drinks that you need to try. In addition, below is a brief description to help you learn about the drink.

1. Honey Almond Milk Cold Brew

Are you looking for a cup filled with deliciousness? Then why go for any other drink than honey almond milk cold brew. The combination of honey and almond milk is just phenomenal. It creates a perfect balance of sweetness and creaminess.

The best thing is that you can add the number of espresso shots according to your preference. Do try it!

2. Almond Milk Mocha Frappuccino

This was a secret almond milk flavor but is now available at every Starbucks outlet and online. The creaminess of almond milk and mocha Frappuccino is a perfect combination to freshen you up.

If you are looking for a healthy coffee-flavored drink, then there is no other drink you try other than this one.

3. Hazelnut Latte with Almond Latte

No doubt Starbucks lattes are the most popular drinks on the entire menu. The signature espresso and hazelnut blended with almond milk create an exceptional flavor. You will surely love the taste, and it is a smooth drink.

The nutty flavor and creamy texture can sometimes be difficult to find in other drinks.

4. Cinnamon Almond Milk Macchiato

Horchata-inspired drink, cinnamon almond milk macchiato, is just full of flavor and deliciousness. The cinnamon dolce with signature espresso roast and addition of creamy almond milk creates a perfect macchiato waiting for you.

However, this is a hot coffee, but you can ask the barista to turn it into a cold one. Don’t forget to add a caramel drizzle on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon to boost the flavor.

5. Honey Almond Milk Flat White

This is a perfect choice if you are looking for a basic coffee with almond milk. Adding signature blonde espresso roast with almond milk creates a perfect cup of coffee for you. A little tinge of honey adds a smooth taste to your coffee.

The nutty undertone with a creamy texture creates a remarkable blend of coffee. However, you can make many other additions according to your preferences.

6. Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Espresso

Want to try a Starbucks almond milk drink with a hint of chocolate? Then do try the iced chocolate almond milk shaken espresso. This is one of the best drinks you need on a sunny day to refresh you.

The perfect combination of a blonde espresso shot with cocoa and the notes of malt is all you need.

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Abi C.

Abi C.

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