Does Blonde Roast Have More Caffeine?

Coffee drinkers that have visited a cafe or shopped for coffee in a shop that has multiple varieties knows that there are different roasts of coffee. However, you may not know much about it, such as what characteristics make each roast different. For instance, blonde roast coffee has seen a surge in popularity, as the flavor is much different and it’s also believed to be stronger. 

However, you might be wondering if blonde roast has more caffeine. You’ll probably get a different answer depending on who you ask. It’s often believed that because blonde roast coffee has a stronger flavor, it’s stronger in terms of caffeine content.

Does Blonde Roast Have More Caffeine?

The truth is that there isn’t much of a difference between roasts of coffee in terms of caffeine content. The roasting process does not alter the caffeine content. Even if it did, the darker the roast, the more beans are used, so the caffeine content would end up evening itself out.

What Exactly Is Blonde Roast Coffee?

Blonde roast coffee is made with coffee beans that are only lightly roasted. They are typically roasted at temperatures between 356 to 401 degrees Fahrenheit. Because they are not roasted long, the beans end up being a light brown color after they are finished roasting, similar to blonde hair; hence, the name.

A blonde roasted coffee bean will also be quite hard. You’ll notice that if you try to break a blonde coffee bean between your fingers, it’ll be difficult regardless of how strong you are. They are also pretty dry, and don’t secrete any oils.

Blonde roasting coffee beans will help save the distinct flavor of the coffee bean. Coffee beans from different parts of the world will have notes of certain scents or flavors, and blonde roasting can really bring those features to the forefront.

What Makes Blonde Roast Coffee Distinct?

The most distinct feature of blonde roast coffee is its taste. Blonde roast coffee has a very acidic, defined flavor. This makes it quite popular amongst coffee drinkers that enjoy the taste of coffee, or coffee drinkers that prefer a strong, black coffee. Blonde roast coffee will also have a touch of sweetness to balance out the flavor.

How Do You Roast Coffee Beans To Make Them Blonde?

When you roast your beans at the proper temperature – between 356-400 degrees Fahrenheit – they will begin to get hot. When they heat up, their colors start to change to a yellowish hue, as they are releasing moisture and gasses.

At a certain point, the coffee beans will begin to pop. In order to keep your beans blonde, you will take them out of the roaster at this point.

Why Do People Believe That Blonde Roast Coffee Has More Caffeine?

Part of the misconception surrounding the caffeine content of blonde roast coffee is due to Starbucks, through no fault of their own. Starbucks is one of the more prominent coffee chains that serves a blonde roast coffee. Their blonde roast variety does have more caffeine than most of their other types of coffee.

However, they do have coffees that are stronger in caffeine content than their blonde roast, including their espresso and their French roast coffees.

Why Is Blonde Roast Just Growing In Popularity Now?

With how seriously some people take their coffee, trends will emerge occasionally. The popular trend right now is blonde roast coffee. While blonde roast coffee isn’t new, it does contain a distinct flavor that is quite enjoyable.

When roasted and brewed properly, blonde roast coffee has no bitterness. Part of what can turn people off of coffee, or leads them to loading it with milk and sugar, is the bitter tinge or aftertaste. Since blonde roast coffees usually don’t have this, it’s a more popular choice for those who hate bitter coffee.

Many blonde roast coffees also have sweet and acidic notes that are quite pleasant. One of the most popular features of blonde roast coffee is a lemony flavor. With lemon being a flavor loved by many, this feature of blonde roast coffee is highly desired.

The only trouble is that each coffee shop or roastery will make their blonde roast coffee slightly differently, meaning you cannot always get a consistent cup when you go out for coffee.

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Picture of Nicola R.

Nicola R.

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